Thursday, October 17, 2013


Shaygon:Dark/Dragon, Chaogon:Dark/Dragon, Nygon:Dark/Dragon

Trumpeter:Steel, Steelephant:Steel

Flauna:Fire, Kirindle:Fire, Pyregasus:Fire/Flying


(All credit goes to Blue-Hearts on deviant art)

Sorry Shaygon is actually supposed to be 61 not 60


Primus:Dark/Dragon, Deuxsus:Dark/Dragon, Trisus:Dark/Dragon

Basatrice:Flying, Basidusk:Flying/Dark, Lumitrice:Flying

Felix:Normal, Solleo:Fire, Tigrice:Ice, Electcheeta:Electric, Jaguel:Grass

(All credit goes to Blue-Heart on Deviant art)


Moledavite:Grass/Ground, Maulachite:Grass/Ground

Larvae;Fire/Bug, Pyrant:Fire/Bug, Ambeetle:Fire/Bug

Frosteer:Ice/Normal, Currenbou:Ice/Normal

Shellia:Water, Sealia:Water, Syrina:Water

(All credit goes to Blue-Heart on Deviant Art)

Some more pokemon are coming soon.


Rachecoon:Dark, Bandicoon:Dark, Wreckoon:Dark

Glimrin:Electric/Water, Rivulecent:Electric/Water

Nymfe:Bug/Flying, Fliron:Bug/Flying

Pumpling:Grass, Jackterking:Grass


Voltkit:Electric/Dark, Fluxine:Electric/Dark, Yoraineko:Electric/Dark

Spiderling:Poison/Bug, Anarcid:Poison/Bug

Kodryad:Grass/Dark, Oakent:Grass/Dark, Cherelle:Grass/Dark

(All credit goes to Blue-Heart on Deviant art)

Well I hope you like the pokemon so far.


Whispine's type:Ghost

Pierrux:Rock/Dragon, Silex:Rock/Dragon, Montex: Rock/Dragon

Kickaroo:Fighting, Kankicker:Fighting

(All credit goes to Blue-Heart on Debiant Art)

Please tell me what you think

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Norgate Gym

Norgate Gym:

 Electric type. Badge Awarded: Trueno Badge. Able to control pokemon up to level 30. Able to use Cut outside of Battles. TM:Thunder. Gym leader Name is Arashi.


Biray:Electric/Flying, Thundor:Electric/Flying

What do you think of the first gym Leader?

(Credit to the original Authors)